Description of Action:
Energy-efficient equipment and appliances can significantly reduce energy consumption and operating costs, particularly when these savings are observed over time. Green Garden will use equipment, techniques, and tools to simultaneously maximize efficiency and minimize greenhouse gas emissions in the course of its cultivation, manufacturing, and dispensary operations.
The company will schedule indoor lighting on cycles during the night to reduce electricity demand during the day. This will mitigate the effects of excess energy used for heating during the night and air conditioning during the day. Lighting will only be scheduled to the extent that it is needed to maintain stored cannabis within the grow. Additionally, the company will use electronic ballasts for all lighting sources that require a ballast, as electronic ballasts reduce electricity usage, heat, and the need for air conditioning, as well as increase light output. Finally, when installing new electrical equipment (including devices and containers required to store cannabis and edible/infused products pending sale), the company will prioritize the use of products with the Energy Star seal.
The company will use Fluence LEDs in cultivation and high efficiency CFLs or LEDs whenever possible in the display and dispensary areas, offices, and restrooms. LED can substantially reduce electricity use, and the low voltage would reduce the risk of fires or electric shocks accidentally triggered by moisture. LED lights do not experience degradation, have a longer lifespan, are easy and safe to replace, and do not contain vapors, mercury, or glass.