Description of Action:
Stevens is continually evaluating different ways to reduce energy consumption and its carbon footprint. At the core of that is the prioritization of improving energy efficiency of the buildings, while making sure to provide sufficient heating and cooling to the campus year-round. LED lighting retrofits, on-site solar PV arrays, purchasing Renewable Energy Credits, and cogeneration units are some of the strategies being employed as part of that goal. Stevens has rooftop solar PV arrays on Schaefer Athletic Center, Williams Library, and Jonas Hall, and ground-mount arrays in the 8th Street parking lot, as well as behind Davidson Lab. From July 2018 to June 2019, Stevens used 201,490 Kilowatt-hours of electricity from on-site, clean and renewable sources. Stevens has achieved 100% renewable, zero emissions for reported electricity usage in fiscal 2019 for the entirety of its Hoboken campus operations.