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Hyatt Creative Exterior Home & Garden Design

Business Information
Name of Organization: 
Hyatt Creative Exterior Home & Garden Design
Organization Type: 
Business Description: 
Professional Landscape Designer
Contact Person: 
Robert Hyatt Hamilton
Owner / Principal Designer
Business Location: 08226 Ocean City , NJ
United States
39° 15' 53.6292" N, 74° 36' 38.7468" W
(609) 602 - 7487
Renewal Date: 
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Management and Leadership
Adopt Environmental Policy Statement
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Identify Sustainability Leader
Annual Environmental Goals
Develop Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Plan
Provide Environmentally Preferable Products Services
Implement Environmental Management System
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Aspirational Goals
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Waste Reduction
Description of Action: 
Reduced hardware and software waste/cost: Utilizing cloud-based services eliminate the need for expensive hardware and software installations, upgrades, and maintenance. Reduced storage waste/costs: We store data on cloud-based remote servers, eliminating the need for physical storage space and associated costs. Reduced IT support costs: Cloud-based services are managed and maintained by the service provider, eliminating the need for in-house IT support. Reduced communication costs: Cloud-based communication tools such as video conferencing and instant messaging reduced the need for expensive phone systems and travel costs. Reduced paper waste/costs: using cloud-based services has eliminated the need for printing and mailing drawings/documents, reducing paper usage and associated costs. Additionally, cloud-based service provides electronic signature options, further reducing the need for paper-based documentation.
Lbs Saved: 
Money Saved: 
Waste Reuse
Description of Action: 
Reclaimed Materials: We incorporate reclaimed materials into our landscape designs, such as using reclaimed wood for decking or seating, or repurposing old bricks and paving stones for patios or retaining walls. This not only reduces waste but also adds unique character and texture to our designs Composting: We regularly incorporate and advocate for composting space in our landscape designs. This involves using organic waste, such as food scraps and yard trimmings, to create nutrient-rich soil for planting beds and gardens. Composting can also reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfills! Rainwater Harvesting: We design and advocate for outdoor entertainment spaces that incorporate rainwater harvesting systems. This involves collecting and storing rainwater for use in irrigation and other outdoor water needs, which can reduce the amount of water waste and lower utility costs. Upcycling: We can incorporate upcycling into the design of outdoor entertainment spaces by using construction waste such as pallets to create seating, planters, or an accent wall.
Waste Recycling
Description of Action: 
Conduct a waste audit: Before starting the project, designers can conduct a waste audit to identify the types of waste generated during construction and demolition. This can help them plan for waste reduction and recycling strategies from the outset. Select materials with recycling potential: We choose materials that have a high percentage of post-consumer recycled content or can be recycled at the end of their life cycle. This includes products made from recycled plastic, glass, metal, and wood. Use compostable materials: We use compostable materials such as biodegradable mulch and planting containers made from natural fibers. This reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and provides a source of nutrients for plants. Incorporate recycling stations: We can include recycling stations in our outdoor designs, making it easy for visitors to recycle waste. These stations should include clearly marked bins for different types of waste, such as paper, plastic, and glass. Encourage reuse: We incorporate structures or features that can be repurposed or reused in the future. For example, old bricks or stones can be used to create a new garden wall or a stepping-stone path.
Food Waste
Description of Action: 
Designate a composting area: We regularly designate a specific area for composting in our outdoor designs. This area should be located in a shaded area and away from the main living areas to minimize odors and pests. Choose the right composting bin: There are many types of composting bins available on the market, from small kitchen composters to large outdoor composting bins. We help our clients choose the right composting bin based on the needs of the space and the amount of food waste generated. Incorporate compost into garden beds: Compost can be added directly to garden beds to enrich the soil and support plant growth. We can plan to incorporate composting into garden beds by leaving space for compost to be added or by creating raised garden beds that can be filled with compost. Educate clients on composting: Landscape designers can educate their clients on the benefits of composting and provide tips on how to properly compost food waste. This can include information on what can and cannot be composted, how to maintain the composting bin, and how to use the finished compost.
Hazardous Waste/Toxic Use Reduction
Description of Action: 
Conduct a waste assessment: A waste assessment helps to identify the types and quantities of hazardous waste and toxic materials that will be generated during the renovation. This information can be used to develop a waste reduction plan. Choose low-toxicity materials: When selecting materials, we choose those that are low in toxicity and do not contain hazardous substances. For example, using natural and organic fertilizers, mulch, and pest control practices can help to eliminate the use of synthetic chemicals in the landscape. Properly dispose of hazardous waste: Any hazardous waste generated during the construction process should be properly disposed of according to local, state, and federal regulations. This may include hiring a licensed hazardous waste disposal contractor to handle materials such as paint, solvents, and chemicals. Consider recycling and repurposing: Rather than disposing of materials, we strongly encourage our trade partners to recycle or repurpose them. For example, old bricks or concrete can be used as hardscaping materials, while fallen leaves and branches can be mulched or composted. Educate clients and trade partners: We educate our clients on the importance of hazardous waste/toxic use reduction and encourage them to adopt sustainable practices. This may include providing information on proper waste disposal, the benefits of using low-toxicity materials, and the advantages of recycling and repurposing.
Energy Efficiency
Description of Action: 
Use energy-efficient technology: Our online design studio uses energy-efficient computers, monitors, and other equipment that meet Energy Star or similar efficiency standards. This can reduce the energy consumption of our technology infrastructure. Virtual collaboration: We use virtual collaboration tools such as video conferencing and online project management platforms to reduce the need for in-person meetings and travel. This can save energy and reduce the studio's carbon footprint. Cloud-based services: The studio can use cloud-based services for storage, file sharing, and project management. Cloud-based services typically use less energy than traditional on-premise servers, and they can also reduce the need for physical storage and paper usage.
Renewable Energy
Description of Action: 
Solar lighting: We try to incorporate solar lighting into our designs to illuminate pathways, gardens, and other outdoor spaces. Solar lighting is powered by solar panels, which store energy from the sun during the day and use it to power LED lights at night. This can save energy and reduce the need for traditional lighting systems. Green roofs: We can incorporate green roofs into our designs, which are roofs that are covered with vegetation. Green roofs can provide insulation, reduce stormwater runoff, and absorb carbon dioxide. They can also be designed to incorporate solar panels or other renewable energy systems. Sustainable building materials: We use sustainable building materials in our designs, such as bamboo, recycled products, or reclaimed wood. These materials have a lower environmental impact than traditional materials, and they can be incorporated into a variety of outdoor design elements, such as decking, fencing, pergolas, etc.
Efficient Business Travel
Description of Action: 
We typically use a combination of advanced software and client-provided information to create our designs to minimize the need for travel. Client input: Our clients provide us with detailed information about the property, including photographs, measurements, and any relevant site plans or blueprints they have available. This information allows us to create an extremely accurate virtual representation of the property. Advanced software: We use advanced software that can generate realistic, 3D models of the property. This software includes tools for creating terrain, placing plants and hardscape features, and adding low-voltage lighting and other design elements. Online collaboration: We use online collaboration tools to work closely with the client to revise the design, if necessary. This can include video conferencing, screen sharing, and real-time feedback tools that allow the client to see and provide input on the design as it evolves.
Water Conservation
Description of Action: 
Use native plants: Native plants are adapted to the local climate and require less water than non-native plants. By incorporating native plants into our designs, we can reduce the water requirements of our projects. Xeriscaping: Xeriscaping is a landscaping technique that uses drought-resistant plants and minimizes water usage. By incorporating xeriscaping principles into our designs, we can reduce the amount of water required for irrigation. Drip irrigation: Drip irrigation is a water-efficient method of irrigation that delivers water directly to the root zone of plants. By using drip irrigation instead of sprinklers, we can reduce water waste due to evaporation or runoff. Rainwater harvesting: Rainwater harvesting is the practice of collecting and storing rainwater for later use. By incorporating rainwater harvesting systems into our designs, we can reduce the amount of water needed from traditional sources, such as municipal water supplies. Mulching: Mulching is the practice of covering soil with organic material, such as leaves or wood chips. Mulching helps retain moisture in the soil, reducing the need for watering. Smart irrigation systems: Smart irrigation systems use weather data and soil moisture sensors to automatically adjust irrigation schedules and reduce water waste. By incorporating smart irrigation systems into our designs, we can reduce water usage and ensure that plants receive the right amount of water.
Stormwater Management and Site Design
Description of Action: 
Rain gardens: We can incorporate rain gardens into our site designs, which are shallow depressions that are planted with native vegetation. Rain gardens are designed to capture and absorb stormwater runoff, which can help reduce erosion, filter pollutants, and recharge groundwater. Green roofs: When feasible, we can incorporate green roofs into our designs, which are roofs that are covered with vegetation. Green roofs can capture and store rainwater, which can help reduce stormwater runoff and prevent further stress on our municipal systems. Permeable paving: We can use permeable paving materials, such as permeable concrete, pavers, or gravel, in our designs. Permeable paving allows rainwater to infiltrate into the ground instead of running off into storm drains or waterways. Bioswales: We can incorporate bioswales into our site designs, which are gently sloping channels that are planted with native vegetation. Bioswales are designed to capture and slow down stormwater runoff, allowing it to filter through the soil and recharge groundwater. Retention ponds: We can incorporate retention ponds into our site designs, which are shallow basins that are designed to capture and store stormwater runoff. Retention ponds can help reduce flooding and prevent erosion, and they can also provide habitat for wildlife.
Wetlands Protection and Restoration
Description of Action: 
Buffers and setbacks: If it is not possible to avoid building near wetlands, We can incorporate buffers and setbacks into our designs. These areas of vegetation help to protect wetlands by filtering runoff and absorbing excess nutrients. Planting native species: We can incorporate native plant species into our designs to help restore wetlands and provide habitat for local wildlife. Native plants are adapted to the local climate and soil conditions, and they are often more resilient to storms and other environmental stressors. Rain gardens: We can incorporate rain gardens into our designs to help capture and filter stormwater runoff before it enters wetlands or other water bodies. Rain gardens are planted with native species and designed to collect and absorb rainwater, reducing the amount of runoff that enters wetland areas. Education and outreach: We can help protect wetlands by educating our clients and trade partners about the importance of wetland conservation. This can include providing information on local regulations and best practices for protecting wetlands, as well as highlighting the ecological and economic benefits of wetland protection.
Green Building Techniques
Independent Green Buiilding
Description of Action: 
Use native plants: Incorporating native plants into our designs helps reduce the need for irrigation, fertilizers, and pesticides. Native plants are adapted to the local climate and require less maintenance than non-native plants. Use permeable paving: Using permeable paving materials, such as pervious concrete or porous pavers, allows rainwater to infiltrate the soil rather than running off into storm drains. This helps reduce the impact of runoff on local waterways. Design for water conservation: Incorporating water-efficient features, such as drip irrigation, rainwater harvesting, and low-flow fixtures, helps conserve water and reduce water bills. Use recycled materials: Incorporating recycled materials, such as recycled plastic lumber or reclaimed wood, helps reduce the environmental impact of the project. Design for energy efficiency: Incorporating energy-efficient features, such as low-voltage LED lighting, solar-powered lighting, and energy-efficient appliances, helps reduce energy consumption and lower energy bills. Incorporate green roofs and walls: Green roofs and walls help reduce the urban heat island effect, improve air quality, and provide habitat for wildlife. Use locally sourced materials: Using locally sourced materials helps reduce transportation emissions and supports local businesses.
Serve Customers with Disabilities
Description of Action: 
Incorporating features that prioritize accessibility for clients with disabilities is an important aspect of sustainable landscape design. By prioritizing features that are ADA compliant, we can create spaces that are welcoming and accessible to all. Site evaluation: Conducting a thorough evaluation of the site is critical to identifying potential barriers and opportunities for improvement. We assess the terrain, existing features, and other site-specific conditions to determine how best to prioritize features that serve clients with disabilities. Accessible pathways: Prioritizing accessible pathways is critical to ensuring that our clients with disabilities can navigate the site safely and comfortably. This includes ensuring that pathways are wide enough for wheelchair users, have a smooth and slip-resistant surface, and are well-lit. Accessible entrances: Providing accessible entrances to the site and all buildings on the site is essential for clients with disabilities. This includes ensuring that entrances have a clear path of travel, are level or have a ramp, and have door hardware that is easy to operate. Accessible outdoor spaces: Prioritizing accessible outdoor spaces, such as seating areas, gardens, and recreational spaces, is critical to providing clients with disabilities equal access to all aspects of the site. This includes ensuring that seating areas have adequate space for wheelchair users, and that outdoor recreational spaces have equipment that is accessible to clients with disabilities. Assistive devices: Consideration should also be given to the inclusion of assistive devices, such as handrails, grab bars, and other features that make it easier for clients with disabilities to navigate their site.
Finished Application: 
Member Since: 
Tuesday, March 21, 2023