ESMG’s Code of Environmental Professional Conduct Policy has been established in order to maintain the highest standards of professional ethics for our environmental management consulting practice. This document establishes the standards of professional practice for all Directors, Officers, and Employees of Environmental Service Management Group, Inc., subsidiaries, affiliates, and agents representing the professional services of our firm.
We affirm that as members of the environmental services industry, we must dedicate to use our developed skills and professional knowledge to enhance human health, safety, and welfare, while preserving environmental quality for all inhabitants of our world.
Members of the environmental services industry must conduct themselves in an honorable and ethical manner to merit confidence and respect, and maintain the dignity of the environmental profession. We shall pledge to discharge our professional responsibilities to society as paramount and shall codify this document as a guide to acceptable standards of integrity for our employers, clients, coworkers, and all colleagues.
Environmental professionals shall at all times …
1. Use their individual knowledge and expertise within their specific discipline, toward positive means that value humanity and the environment, and decline to use those skills to the detriment of society, and the degradation of the environment.
2. Recognize to the best of their ability, the direct and indirect consequences of any action(s) that may have negative effects on public health or to the environment, and to fully comply with all applicable statutes, and regulations that govern human health, safety, and well being.
3. Maintain the health, safety, and welfare of the public in the highest regard, including all professional standards and applicable rules and regulations, and agree to speak out against any and all abuses or threats to the environment or to public health, safety, and welfare, that may be encountered through personal and professional activities.
4. Continue professional skills development, stay informed of current events and be aware of technological advancements, and endeavor to inform the public of the potential benefits made feasible and potential problems associated with current issues pertaining to work.
5. Always be accurate, objective, and honest in representing professional background, skills, and qualifications to perform assigned responsibilities, and be a loyal, devout, and faithful trustee in all business and professional matters.
6. Encourage the professional growth and career advancement of subordinates, coworkers, colleagues, and associates, accept and offer honest professional criticism, accurately account your own efforts while properly crediting the contributions of others.
7. Actively speak, write, report, publish and otherwise disseminate information freely and without expectation for personal remuneration, subject to legal and reasonable proprietary rights or privacy restraints.