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Environmental and Community Restoration

Environmental and Community Restoration Projects


Become Involved in Environmental Restoration or Community Environmental Projects

1. Look for opportunities to restore or enhance your own property or help with community efforts.

Corporate Wetlands Restoration Partnership
Wildlife Habitat Council
Invasive Species
NJ Environmental Commissions
Watershed Rehabilitation Programs in NJ

Action: Describe participation or sponsorship of environmental restoration projects in your community (e.g. stream cleanups, enhancement of wildlife habitat, etc.).Provide measurable results, for example, acres restored or protected.


Share your Environmental Successes

2.  Share your environmental successes and tips with business partners, trade association members, customers, vendors and the neighboring community.

• Present information at meetings and conferences
• Prepare an annual sustainability report
• Post your successes on your webpage and social media
Global Reporting Initiative
Ceres Facility Reporting Project

Action:  Describe opportunities where you shared your environmental successes and tips with business partners, trade association members, customers, vendors and the neighboring community.