Consider creating an on line account with your utility. See item #7 under the Energy Efficiency section for a list of the State’s utilities. With this service you can track your bills and quickly look up how much energy you are using. When you implement an energy efficiency practice or a renewable energy technology this information will help you identify how much money you have saved.
For more information and tips on energy efficiency in your business, read the DEP's Energy Sustainability Guide here.
New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program (“NJCEP”) offers a FREE benchmarking service that assesses the energy performance of your facilities compared to similar buildings.
Action: Provide results from your facility’s benchmarking study. Click here to learn more about how to get started.
Go to NJCEP to find out more about getting an audit for your facility. Energy audits will evaluate energy use in your building. It will result in a report that lists recommendations on what and how to make your building more energy efficient. A good auditor should also be able to help direct you to resources to help make those upgrades more affordable, including incentives available from NJCEP and some utilities (see item #7).
Thanks to NJCEP, smaller businesses may be able to take the express path to energy savings by participating in NJCEP’s Direct Install Program. Direct Install provides a turnkey solution for small- to medium-sized facilities designed to help cut energy costs by making it easy and affordable to replace outdated operation equipment with energy-efficiency alternatives. The program pays up to 70 percent of eligible energy-efficiency measures. Plus the prices for the measures were already competitively bid by the state. Click here to learn more.
Larger businesses that don’t qualify for the Direct Install Program should consider Pay for Performance or SmartStart building incentives. These NJCEP incentives rely on a network of program partners to implement efficiency projects. At the NJCEP website you can find an approved professional company to perform an energy audit. Following your audit, you should receive a report including an evaluation of the following:
Discuss the results with your auditor and ask about the available incentives from NJCEP. Don’t forget to contact your utility (see item #7) they may have additional programs and/or incentives that you may be eligible for.
Action: Provide results from your facility’s energy audit. Describe actions you will implement to reduce energy.
Invest in energy efficient equipment and appliances. Look for the ENERGYSTAR symbol when buying office equipment. If you are looking at any water related equipment, look for the Watersense symbol. Energy efficient computers, monitors, and other office equipment.
Resources: Check out ENERGYSTAR’s guide for office equipment and their Low Carbon IT Campaign.
Replace incandescent lighting with energy efficient fluorescent lighting and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or other energy efficient lighting. Replace all T-12 fluorescent lighting with energy efficiency T-8 or T-5 fixtures and install LED exit signs.
Install motion sensors, timers, manual dimmers or or automatic daylight dimming controls. Maximize use of natural light (windows, skylights and solar tubes) and use task lighting where extra lighting is needed.
Potential Funding: Check the NJ Clean Energy Program’s Smart Start Buildings Program for funding.
Action: Describe measures taken to improve the energy efficiency of your facility and include results (e.g. kWh reduced) and costs savings where available.
Tips on energy management systems.
Potential Funding: Check the NJ Clean Energy Program’s Smart Start Buildings Program and Pay for Performance for funding.
Action: Describe measures taken to improve the energy efficiency of your facility and include results (e.g. kWh, Therms or gallons of fuel reduced) and costs savings where available.
Leverage ENERGYSTAR’s “Bring Your Green to Work” Campaign to find helpful resources for engaging employees. Review the ENERGYSTAR Green Team Checklist and identify actions that can be implemented.
Action: Describe educational program and actions implemented to train employees and results (e.g. kWh, Therms or gallons of fuel reduced) and costs savings where available.
Several NJ utilities offer their own energy efficiency programs and others have features that supplement NJCEP program offerings, including some no-interest on bill repayment programs. Some electric companies may have demand response opportunities to help you manage your peak load or special renewable energy programs.
Interested in finding out? Check out their websites or give them a call.
Atlantic City Electric: 1-800-642-3780
Jersey Central Power & Light: 1-800-662-3115
Orange Rockland Electric: 1-877-434-4100
PSE&G: 1-800-436-7734
Elizabethtown Gas: 1-800-242-5830
New Jersey Natural Gas: 1-877-455-NJNG (6564) or visit
PSE&G: 1-800-436-7734
South Jersey Gas: 1-888-766-9900
End-use retail customers have access to PJM’s wholesale electricity market through agents that are PJM members, known as curtailment service providers (CSPs).
Below is a link to CSPs who participate in the PJM demand response program. The list is broken down by those who operate in all states, multiple states and single states within the PJM footprint.
Action: Describe actions taken to limit peak energy use and results (e.g. kWh, Therms or gallons of fuel reduced) and costs savings where available.
Action: Describe renewable energy systems installed at your facility and include results (e.g. kWh generated) and cost savings where available. Describe type of renewable energy contract or credits purchased and include amount (e.g. kWh) where available.