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Water Conservation

1. Conduct a water use audit to identify conservation opportunities.

Action: Provide results from your facility’s water audit.  Describe actions you will implement to reduce water.

2. Install water efficient equipment, appliances, and plumbing fixtures.

  • Visit WaterSense for information on low-flow plumbing fixtures, aerators, on-demand faucets, dual flush toilets, waterless urinals and other water efficient plumbing fixtures.

Action: Describe actions and include results (e.g. gallons of water conserved) and cost savings where available.

3. Optimize water use for heating and cooling systems.

  • Eliminate single pass or once-through cooling systems.
  • Minimize water loss from cooling towers.
  • Ensure that boilers and steam-generating systems operate efficiently.

Action: Describe actions and include results (e.g. gallons of water conserved) and cost savings where available.

4. Eliminate non-critical cleaning processes and maximize dry cleanup where feasible.

  • Optimize production sequencing and scheduling to reduce cleaning.
  • Where feasible, use dry cleanup processes (sweeping, squeegees, etc.) rather than hosing down floors and other surfaces. Use high-pressure, low-volume water nozzles when you do need to use water for cleanup.
  • Wash fleet vehicles only when necessary and use a car wash facility that recycles water.

Action: Describe actions and include results (e.g. gallons of water conserved) and cost savings where available.

5. Use harvested rain water for non-potable use (e.g. flushing toilets) or landscape irrigation.

Action: Describe actions and include results (e.g. gallons of water conserved) and cost savings where available.

6. Landscape with native and drought-resistant plants and minimize turf.

Action: Describe actions and include results (e.g. gallons of water conserved) and cost savings where available.

7.   Optimize irrigation systems.

  • Limit irrigation areas.
  • Identify and repair leaks.
  • Adjust irrigation schedules to account for seasonal rain variation or use rain gauges.

Action: Describe actions and include results (e.g. gallons of water conserved) and cost savings where available.


Stormwater Management & Site Design

(Note that for some facilities, stormwater and spill prevention plans and measures are a regulatory requirement.) 

1. Reduce stormwater runoff through landscape design, reduction of impervious surfaces, and green infrastructure.

Action: Describe projects implemented to reduce stormwater runoff.

2.  Keep pollutants out of storm drains and waterways.

  • Store equipment and materials indoors or undercover.
  • Routinely check paved surfaces for possible oil leaks from company vehicles.
  • Educate employees to ensure “Only rain down the drain!”
  • Plug floor drains in maintenance shops so that spills don’t discharge to stormwater drains or check with your local government about redirecting drains to the sanitary sewer system.
  • Keep spill containment kits on site and accessible. Include them in your fleet vehicles if appropriate.

Action: Describe projects implemented to keep pollutants out of storm drains and waterways.

3.  Implement Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices.

  • IPM uses preventive strategies and natural predators as an alternative to pesticides and herbicides
  • IPM Information - This bulletin provides a basic definition and description of IPM.
  • For additional information and assistance contact Tim Boyle, Environmental Specialist 2 and IPM Coordinator at the NJ Department of Environmental Protection at (609) 984-6908.

Action: Describe Integrated Pest Management practices that were implemented.

4.   Apply fertilizer only when necessary and at minimum rates.

Action: Describe actions taken to minimize or eliminate the use of fertilizer.

5.   Use best management practices to control ice on paved surfaces.

Action: Describe actions taken to reduce the use of salt on paved surfaces to control ice.